We are very fortunate to live in such a rich learning environment here in the Okanagan. In addition to our beautiful surroundings, we are privileged to live in a community with knowledgeable and supportive individuals. The STEAM learning ecosystem here in the Okanagan is thriving with Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics professionals looking to connect and give back to the learners in our community.
As part of Science Odyssey, local community partners and members of STEAM Ecosystem BC are collaborating to share their passions and knowledge at a showcase learning event called the Expo of Awesome.
This year’s event will take place over two days, on May 12th and 13th, 2023 at UBC Okanagan.
On Friday May 12th, 2023 educators from Kelowna and Vernon will have the opportunity to bring school groups (Grades 4-6) to the event to participate in various hands-on STEAM learning sessions.
On Saturday May 13th, 2023 families and community members will have the opportunity to bring their children (Ages 9-12) to experience the same awesome excitement and learning.
There are a limited number of spaces for participants at this year’s event, all participants will need to register for the event before the spaces fill up.
Registration will open on Tuesday April 4th, 2023 at 8:00AM.
Click on the “EXPLORE THE AWESOME” page in the site navigation for the registration link.
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